Final Weekly Overview!

I can’t believe this is the last weekly overview I will write! I’m sure I’ll see you all at some point over the week but I’d like to say thank you for your continued support over my time at Milton!

There are lots of opportunities for you come come in and hear about our learning this week so I hope to see you all at some point 😊.

It looks like it’s going to be a beautiful, sunny last week for us so please ensure all the children have suncream/ sun hat/ water bottles in school.


– ‘Moving Up Day’. From 11am – 2pm the children will all be in their new classes!

– Annual Sunflower Tea! Your chance to hear all about the excitement of the day: come along from 2pm to enjoy a cup of tea and some baking, as well as having the opportunity to buy some flowers planted by P1, 2 and 3!


– Mrs Smith in the morning (PE day).

– Miss Bruce in the afternoon.


– Roots of Empathy Celebration. Please come along to hear about all our learning with Baby Ava this year. 11am for all!


– End of term/ Leavers Assembly at 10.30, all welcome.

– End of term party for pupils in the afternoon! This party will take place outdoors 😊


– School closes at 12pm!

This week we will be sending home lots of things, please send in a plastic bag that children can use to take their work home!

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